eLearning Courses
Below you can find the eLearning courses that are currently available. If you have not registered for eLearning before, you will need to complete a registration form. This is so we can track your progress throughout the course and let your healthcare team know when you are finished. We may also, from time to time with your GP's consent, assess how effective the courses are in helping people with their diabetes, by looking at changes in tests like HbA1c (blood glucose) levels (on anonymised data). This will help improve the courses in the future.
If you already have a MyWay Diabetes Patient Access account, you do not need to register for eLearning. Simply go to login and enter your account username and password for access to the courses.
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Through this course, we aim to give you the information you need to know about what type 2 diabetes remission is and how people have achieved it.
This course is the first of a two-part series which provides information about life with diabetes. Aimed at anyone diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, it focuses on what diabetes is, how it is treated, complications it can have, as well as what you can do to keep yourself healthy.