Web Resource Last Updated: 07-03-2024

Risk Levels




Using the Diabetes UK 'Know Your Risk' tool will classify your risk level of developing type 2 into 4 categories.

These include:

Low risk

1 in 100 people in this risk category will develop type 2 diabetes in the next 10 years.

It may be a relief to know that you are currently at a low risk of developing type 2. You should still monitor all of the risk factors that are within your control as your risk level can change. The risk of developing type 2 increases as we age, but by having a healthy diet and lifestyle and keeping within a healthy weight, are all factors that can help with prevention.

Increased risk 

1 in 35 people in this risk category will get type 2 diabetes in the next 10 years.

Look at the areas that you are scoring points on and whether it's something within your control to make some changes. By taking action now, you can help lower your risk and make a big change to your health in the future.

Moderate risk

1 in 7 people will develop type 2 diabetes in the next 10 years.

It's a good idea to visit your GP as soon as possible as they may want to do a blood test to do a check for diabetes. They will be able to discuss your risk level with you, what changes you can make and signpost you to local services for further support.

High risk

1 in 3 people will develop type 2 diabetes in the next 10 years.

You need to take action now. The first step is to visit your GP as it is possible that you may have type 2 diabetes already but haven't been diagnosed yet.

This may all sound scary and overwhelming but the good news is that you can do something about it, and we're here to help. Our site is full of resources to help you learn more about type 2 diabetes and how you can prevent it.

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